MyUW Overview

MyUW is your personal portal to the University of Washington. The website and mobile apps provide a personalized set of resources based on your University of Washington affiliations. Whether you are an applicant, student, instructor, employee, or a combination of roles, the content presented to you in MyUW is relevant and timely. Signing in with your UW NetID displays an overview of personal content, and gives you access to information and resources you need to be successful. You can even add your own links to further customize your experience!

Sign in to MyUW

Key Features of MyUW

The Home Page includes sections of content, called "Cards," that are relevant to your affiliations with UW. For example, if you are both a student and staff, you will see cards related to both of those roles. The example below shows the Home Page of a student. It includes the academic quarter and week info, relevant notices, the Husky card balance and links to additional student resources. Depending on the current period in the academic calendar, the Home Page for students may display the Registration card or Schedule card. 

 MyUW home page with quarter week count, Husky Card and dining balances, Quick Links, additional info cards.

The home page shows time-sensitive notices, a preview of the current Husky Experience Toolkit article, links to registration information in MyPlan, quarter's progression, Husky and Dining Card balances, and links to frequently visited resources.

Home page with annotated cards: Notices, preview for Husky Experience Toolkit article, Registration card, graduation prep information.

This closer view of the MyUW home page shows more detail about the information cards available: Notices, Husky Experience Toolkit, and other information (as available) such as Registration and preparing for graduation.

Academics page with adviser information and course information

On the Academics page: contact information for adviser(s), a list of current courses along with instructor information, if available. On the right, links to helpful resources for registration, tutoring, advising, grades, and transcripts.

Academics page detail of Visual Schedule

The Visual Schedule is a feature of the Academics page, giving students an at-a-glance view of the day and time when their classes meet. If students click on the building abbreviation, they see a map showing the building location on campus.

Husky Experience home page with list of articles

Students can access the Husky Experience Toolkit, a series of articles designed to help them make the most of their time at UW. Articles encourage students to challenge themselves, explore their options, and integrate all they are learning.

Example Husky Experience article

Toolkit articles reach students every week through the Husky Experience tab on MyUW; they address four aspects of the Husky Experience: Know Yourself, Know the World, Make Your Way, and Weave it Together.

Accounts page with tuition & fees info, housing & food service info, Husky Card, Library account, U-Pass membership, UW NetID info.

The Accounts page gives students a view of Tuition & Fees and balances on accounts such as Husky Card, Dining Card, U-Pass Membership, and due dates for any library resources they have checked out.

Profile page with access to Identity.UW, employee profile and student profile cards

From the Name & Pronouns card, students can access, to edit their name and update pronouns. The Student Profile card shows their student number, class standing, and their major if applicable.


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