Lost or stolen 2FA device

Losing your 2FA device can be stressful. Your next steps depends on what other devices you may have configured.

Please choose the option that applies to you

If you set up more than one 2FA device, you can use your available 2FA device to remove your lost or stolen device.
  1. Navigate to https://identity.uw.edu/2fa
  2. Sign in with your UW NetID and password.
  3. Click Manage 2FA Devices
  4. Choose the authentication method that allows you to sign in using the 2FA device you have with you.
  5. Click Edit and then Delete to confirm you want to remove the device.
  6. Removal is complete. Duo will display a confirmation message and show the device management portal
If you lost your only 2FA device, or it was stolen, and you have a replacement, please follow these steps. Please make sure you have your replacement device with you. For example, if you lost your smartphone, make sure you have your replacement smartphone with you.
  1. If you are replacing a smartphone and will continue to have the same number, you can follow the steps to Set up a replacement device for steps 2-6 below. Otherwise, contact the UW-IT Service Center. They can verify your identity and issue you a one-time bypass code to sign in and manage your 2FA devices. Once you have the passcode, continue to the next step.
  2. Navigate to https://identity.uw.edu/2fa
  3. Sign in with your UW NetID and password.
  4. Click Manage 2FA Devices
  5. Click Enter a Passcode.
  6. Enter the bypass code provided by the UW-IT Service Center and click Log In.
  7. To add your new replacement device, click Add a device. Duo will prompt you to set up a device.
  8. Once you have added your replacement device, click Edit and then Delete to confirm you want to remove your lost or stolen device.
  9. Set up and removal is complete. Duo will display a confirmation message and show "My Settings & Devices".
If you lost your only 2FA device, and you don't have a replacement, contact the UW-IT Service Center.
If your hardware token is lost or stolen, please contact the UW-IT Service Center. They will disable the lost or stolen hardware token and issue you a new one.

Need more help?

Contact the UW-IT Service Center if you need assistance with your lost or stolen device.