The UW regularly updates its two-factor authentication (2FA) features to provide secure sign-ins. Major updates are highlighted on this page. This page design to keep you informed about the trusted UW 2FA experience and explain any changes. If you have questions about the security your 2FA experience or need help with UW 2FA, please contact help@uw.edu.
The UW has updated the process for registering your 2FA devices and added support for new authentication methods. No action is required from you, but here's what's new:
You can add, remove, or review your 2FA devices at https://identity.uw.edu/2fa. While the location remains the same, the page has a new look. You will now need to click a button to open the updated page.
Pictured above, the new device registration experience Pictured above, the new "verify your identity" step
Pictured above, the new device registration page
Pictured above, the old device registration experience
Platform authenticators are a new way to do authentication that utilize the biometric passkeys on your device. Platform authenticators are only available as a method of authentication for the device they are set up on (so if you set up your phone, you can't select the phone's platform authenticator when on your computer). The prompts to set up your platform authenticator will be specific to your device, and not all devices support Platform Authentication. Duo's supported platforms are listed on their platform authenticator guide. How to set up platform authenticators can be found in the section above under "NEW: Setting up a platform authenticator" or on set up a platform authenticator.
Verified push is a more secure form of push based authentication, that requires you to type in the numbers shown on the screen into Duo Mobile. This form of "push notification" is considered more secure to push fatigue and other forms of attack. Verified push is not currently in use for integrations at the UW, but may start to appear in more secure applications. Application owners can read more about verified push on the altered 2FA experience page.
Duo has updated the way 2FA looks during your sign-in experience. Documented below is the new and previous Duo behavior for reference.
Previous changes to 2FA also updated the look while authenticating. Each method's changes are captured below.