Use Shibboleth Service Provider software for single sign-on

For customers using Apache or Microsoft IIS web servers, Shibboleth Service Provider (SP) software is free and open source software, developed by and for the research and education community, that supports single sign-on (SSO), federation, and social login. Unlike other SAML software, Shibboleth SP software is integrated and configured in Apache or IIS, rather than being built into your application code.
Want some help? Need help using Shibboleth Service Provider software for single sign-on with the UW Shibboleth Identity Provider? Contact us for help.

Identity provider entityID and metadata

"" is the entityID for the UW Identity Provider (IdP). We provide several ways to download and refresh our IdP metadata.

Metadata consumption

Metadata refresh

Regardless how you consume the UW Shibboleth IdP metadata, we recommend you refresh and verify the metadata at least daily. Doing so can help prevent service disruptions due to key rollovers and other changes. Shibboleth SP software defaults to refreshing metadata every two hours.

Installation, configuration, and registration

Attribute release

SAML authentication

Access control


Other operational practices

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