Adding new affiliations to your personal UW NetID

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New affiliations for your personal UW NetID

If you already have a personal UW NetID and gain another relationship with the University, your personal UW NetID will be updated to capture the updated affiliation with the University. Having all your affiliations associated with your personal UW NetID ensures you have access to the services you may need, and supports the "one person one personal NetID" policy of the UW.

To check your current affiliations

You can check your current affiliations at the same location you would add a new affiliation. On the top of the page you will see your UW NetID, name, and listed affiliations. If one is missing, add it with the instructions below.

Adding affiliations to your UW NetID

The university's identity system works in the background to add any new affiliations to your existing personal UW NetID automatically. However this process may encounter errors when incomplete data is entered. The system will automatically join identities if matching information is added. We recommend adding new affiliations as soon as possible with the process below.
  1. Open a web browser and go to: Add a new affiliation to your UW NetID
  2. Click "Sign in with your UW NetID" and sign in with your Personal UW NetID
  3. Choose from the list of affiliations which you would like to add. If there are more than one, just repeat these steps as needed, one affiliation at a time.
  4. Dependent on which affiliation you are adding, you will be asked to provide some additional information to confirm the affiliation being added; last name, employee or student ID, or a temporary PAC code.
  5. Verify that the system shows only your information and click "Add new affiliation".

Merging two UW NetIDs

If you have already created a second personal UW NetID, we strongly recommend linking your affiliations and choose your preferred UW NetID to keep. Merging your personal UW NetIDs follows the same above steps for adding an affiliation with a few notes.