Organizations at the UW are represented by an organization code that is divided into six levels. An online purchase requisition could be reviewed once at all six levels before it goes through any central office reviews, although that is extremely unlikely. Generally, only the office entering the requisition will review it before the central offices. The organization code works as a security measure. Each usercode is bound to one organization code level. Also, each budget number is linked with one organization code level. Therefore, by signing onto the computer, you specify your organizational level and the budgets available to youall the budgets at and below your level. Not surprisingly the higher you are in the organizational structure, the more budgets (and therefore the more requisitions) you may review.
President or Other Major Administrative Area 1-00-00-00-00-0 Definition of broad grouping of units according to top administrative areas of responsibility or major class of programs. Placing review routing flags using Mass Update at the first level would stop all requisitions within that major organization for review before going to the central office. Areas at level 1 include the President's Office, the Vice President for Health Sciences, each of the branch campuses, and capital budgets.
Dean or Vice President 1-02-00-00-00-0 Major organizational divisions usually headed by an officer reporting to the President (colleges, schools, vice president, divisions). At Level 2, a dean could review requisitions for an entire college, including those entered at Levels 3-6.
Major Area 1-02-03-00-00-0 Programmatic or organizational grouping of major organizational divisions (organizationally dependent). At Level 3, one could review all requisitions entered in that major group, including those entered at Levels 4-6. An example of an organization at this level might be natural sciences departments within the College of Arts and Sciences.
Department or Office 1-02-03-04-00-0 Primary operating unit of the University, usually designated as a department in academic units or as an office in administrative units. Interdisciplinary centers, and comparable level administrative service organizations are also included. At Level 4, the department chair or administrator could review requisitions entered in that department, including those entered at Levels 5-6.
Division 1-02-03-04-05-0 Academic subdisciplines or subspecialties contained within a department and functional or organizational divisions of large administrative or service units. At Level 5, one could review only those requisitions that were entered in the department at Level 5 or 6.
Subdivision 1-02-03-04-05-6 Specialized research, teaching, or service activities (e.g. research activities under direction of a single principal investigator, or the training, research, or patient care activities conducted at affiliated hospitals). At Level 6, one could review only requisitions entered at Level 6.
Take 2-54-02-46-05-8 as a sample organization code to define a specific area, research on modern writers of the Northwest.
Code | Level | Organization Name |
2 | One | President |
54 | Two | Dean/Arts and Sciences |
02 | Three | Humanities |
46 | Four | English Department |
05 | Five | Modern Literature |
8 | Six | Research on NW Writers |
At the President's level, you may review requisitions entered on all UW budgets. At the Dean's level, you may review requisitions for all budgets within your college. At the Department Chair's level, you may review requisitions entered on all your department's budgets. Imagine that you are the President of the UW. You would have access to all information. The following samples show how you would enter the organization code to set review flags to stop requisitions at the various levels. (The following examples use the codes shown in the chart above.)
If you were the English Department Chair and you wanted to review all requisitions for the English Department, you would not need to specify your organization code, 2-54-02-46-00-0, because your organizational level is associated with your usercode. You specify the organization code only to review a specific division's requisitions and not another's (e.g. requisitions for Research on NM Writers (2-54-02-46-05-8) and not for Existentialists (2-54-02-46-05-3). Flagging Object Codes. Users at all levels may set flags to review data by object code. Let's say you, as the English Department Chair, want to see all travel requisitions for the English department. You would sign on, defining your organization code to the English Department (2-54-02-46-00-0). Then you would set a flag on the travel object code, 04, and set the dollar amount at "A," which is equivalent to $0. That way you would review all English Department travel requisitions with totals over $0, which, of course, is all travel requisitions.