Help: Enterprise Data Warehouse

This page helps users resolve the most common questions about working with the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). If your question isn't answered here, please contact

Table of Contents

Data Load Status

Trying to find out when Production or Test EDW data loads? If so, this has been moved to the EDW Data Load Status page.


Not sure if you have access to EDW data and tools? Or want to find out what kind of access you have? Any UW employee can use ASTRA to view their EDW access.
  1. Navigate to ASTRA
  2. Click on "View My Authorizations"
  3. Login using your UW NetID and password
  4. ASTRA will display a list of authorizations:
Screenshot of "My Authorizations" table from ASTRA showing one row with ASTRA Role=USER, Application=EDW, and Role (Action)=EDW Administrator (Inquiry). The EDW value is circled in red.
  1. Look under the Application column - you have access to EDW data, reports, cubes, and visualizations if you see EDW listed. The data you can access is governed by the role to which you have been assigned. In the example above, the user has been assigned to the EDW Administrator role. Note: you may have been granted access to more than one role.
  2. If you need to request new or different access to EDW, visit the Request Permission and Access Data page
For more information on EDW security, visit the Data Security page.

Server and Database Information

Each Database has 2 Environments available as follows:
Environment SQL Server Notes
Production (PROD)
All EDW Databases, including current state are as follows. Some databases have customer resources available that you can access by clicking on the link:
Note: You must be logged into Husky OnNet (VPN) in order to access the following wiki links. For more information, refer to Husky OnNet.
Database Description State
CoreData A database that includes a cross-section of source-similar reference data from multiple domains, which is designated by the UW Data Governance Steering Committee as essential to UW core business. This data is managed to guarantee uniformity and usage in support of UW functions. Current
EDWPresentation The presentation layer includes integrated financial, research, and academic data designed for easy queries and analysis, with certified definitions and documented business rules. The presentation layer is optimized for commonly requested queries and analyses of institutional data. Predefined reports, dashboards, and cubes based on EDWPresentation data are available in the BI Portal. Current
EFECSDataStore This database is a copy of some Management Accounting & Analysis (MAA)-related tables from the eFECS EffortReport database. Scheduled to be frozen 10/13/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday.
IBS The Institutional Base Salary (IBS) database is the operational database for School of Medicine salary data downloaded from ADP. Current
UWODS The UWODS is a database which reflects the Foundation Data Model (FDM), the technical framework that organizes HR/Payroll and Finance data in UW's implementation of Workday. This database supports reporting for the following:
  • Workday Foundation Data Model (FDM) and Financial Reference Data
  • HR/Payroll Data
UWSDBDataStore A relational database that provides data from the central mainframe Student system which includes student demographic information, course schedule and student enrollment information, student degrees, student majors, registration and transcript information, and many other topics and tables in the area of academics. Current
WDFinDataMart A Finance Data Mart introduced as part of UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) and providing the following data from Workday:
  • Accounting & Operational Journal Transactions
  • Grant & Financial Budgets
  • Current Budget Balances
  • Payroll Journal Line Detail
AnalyticInteg (AIDB) A sandbox environment that was created to give data users across campus the ability to work with and explore PNBDB data structures in a SQL context. AIDB was built in collaboration with the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB) to serve as a proof of concept for consolidating academic and finance data.
  • Academic data current
  • Finance data frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance. (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current data).
FinancialSumMart A relational database that is organized to meet various administrative needs including annual financial auditing, UW organizational financial reporting, and budgeting analysis. The data covers the university business domains of budget, expenditures, revenue, gifts and endowments, as well as some grant information. Frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance. (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current data)
FRDataMart Archive (from the ODS) of one year payroll check register detail, and gross pay control totals used for verification. Frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance
GLDataMart A General Ledger Data Mart. This database contains GL transactions including payroll cash detail and use tax detail for the current biennium and prior three biennia. Frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance. (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current data).
HumanResources An integration database for HR/Payroll data Frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current data).
ODS A relational database based on data that was originally captured in the central mainframe financial system (FAS) and the Human Resources/Payroll system (Workday). This database includes financial transactions, a variety of paid and unpaid employment information, academic relationships, details about positions at the UW, and many other topics and tables in the area of Finance and HR/Payroll. Frozen as of 7/27/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance. (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current data).
RAD Relational database that provides Research Administrative data related to research activities. Frozen as of 7/6/2023 with the retirement of FAS and introduction of Workday Finance. (See UWODS and WDFinDataMart for current post-Award data. Contact for pre-Award data.

Connection Assistance

Are you attempting to connect to connect to the EDW remotely and having difficulty? If so, continue reading this section. If you log into your computer using your UW NetID credentials in a native UW environment and are looking for instructions on connecting via specific program, please skip to the next section.

If you're trying to connect to the EDW remotely (i.e. from an off-campus computer), you must log on to the UW network using the Husky OnNet VPN software. Note: In general, UW Medicine locations are considered "off-campus" and also require Husky OnNet.

Regardless of what query tool you use with the EDW, you must connect with your UW NetID credentials. If you do not log into your computer in a native UW NetID environment, you will need to use a special command to open your query tool with your NetID credentials.

Windows Instructions

The "RunAs" command allows you to open and operate programs using different credentials than the credentials you use to log in to your computer. Instructions to create your "RunAs" command vary depending on the operating system, the program you want to use, and the program's path. These examples work for standard Managed Workstation Service computers. If your computer is not managed by MWS, check with your department’s IT staff to modify these instructions for your computing environment.

In order to open your query tool using UW NetID credentials via RunAs, you'll follow two steps:

  1. Build the RunAs command
  2. Execute the RunAs command

Step 1: Build the RunAs command

In this step, you'll build a RunAs command specific to you and the query tool you will be running.

The "RunAs" command has two basic parts, as shown below:

  • First part: RunAs /netonly / – this tells your computer to open the tool using your UW NetID credentials, where you replace yournetid with your UW NetID. The /netonly option of the command maintains your access to your local and network drives and printers.
  • Second part: Program path – in other words, the location on your hard drive where the tool program is stored. This can vary based on operating system and tool version.

RunAs /netonly / "C:\Your\Program\File\Location.exe"

  1. The first part of the RunAs command is as follows (replacing yournetid with your UW NetID):

    RunAs /netonly /

    Note: we suggest you copy and paste this string so you have the included spaces.

  2. Create the second part of the command by finding the path for the program you want to run:
    • Click Start > All Programs, and navigate to the program you want to open
    • Right click on the program icon and choose Properties
    • If the contents of the Target field resemble the image on the left below, you now have the program path. If the contents resemble the image on the right, skip to Step 3 below.
    • Copy the contents of the Target field on the Shortcut tab, including the double quotes. Add this to the first part of the command, to get a full command that looks similar to this:

      RunAs /netonly / "c:\program files\microsoft office\office15\excel.exe"

      "EXCEL.EXE Properties" dialog box showing a usable target "EXCEL.EXE Properties" dialog box showing unusable target
  3. (Optional) If the contents of the Target field resemble the "Unusable Target" image on the right above, you will need to create the target by hand by finding the path of the program's .exe file.
    • Search your computer for the appropriate file name (see the table for examples)
      Program File Name
      Access msaccess.exe
      Excel excel.exe
      Tableau tableau.exe
      SQL Data Tools* devenv.exe
      SSMS** 2012 ssms.exe

      * Formerly known as BIDS – Business Intelligence Development Studio, aka Visual Studio

      **SSMS – SQL Server Management Studio

    • Create the program path to get to the original executable file

Step 2: Execute the RunAs command

Now that you've built your RunAs command, there are two recommended ways to execute it:
  1. Issue the "RunAs" command through the Run dialog box
  2. Script the "RunAs" command in a batch file
Option 1: Issue the "RunAs" command through the Run dialog box
  1. Bring up the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows and R keys together
  2. To the right of Open: in the Run dialog box, paste the command for your query tool and click OK "Run" dialog box
  3. When prompted, enter your UW NetID password
Option 2: Script the "RunAs" command in a batch file

Another way to use the RunAs command is through a batch file with the extension .bat. You can double click the .bat file icon and supply your password to open the tool you would like to use.

To create a .bat file:

  1. Open Notepad
  2. Paste in the command that we created above:
    1. RunAs /netonly / "C:\Your\Program\File\Location.exe"
  3. Hit Enter, and type in the word pause without quotes
  4. Click File > Save As and save the batch file
  5. Change Save as type to All Files
  6. Name the file with a .bat extension. Do not save the file with a .txt extension. The example below is named Excel.bat
  7. Repeat the batch file creation process for each tool you use
Notepad application with a file named "Excel.bat" with two lines of text. The first line is: [RunAs /netonly / "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"] The second line is: pause

MacOS Instructions

Note: The EDW team cannot provide detailed technical support on using non-Windows machines to connect directly to the EDW. Mac instructions are provided as a courtesy based on feedback from users.
In order to connect to the EDW using MacOS, you will need to update (or create) your Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf). The krb5.conf file contains Kerberos client configuration information that will be necessary to connect to the EDW. This file should be located in your /etc/ directory.

Step 1: Navigate to the /etc/ directory

Navigate to the /etc/ directory on your MacOS machine. Please note that this directory is hidden by default. To navigate to this directory, open Finder and press Command + Shift + G. In the popup, enter the path to the folder we want to access: /etc/.

Step 2: Create your krb5.conf file

Now that you are in the /etc/ directory, you will need to create your Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf). Using your preferred text editor, create a new file titled krb5.conf in the /etc/ directory. Note that you should only need to do this step once. This file consists of information that tells your OS what Kerberos realm it needs to be using. We suggest copying and pasting the below example into your new file:
 default_realm = NETID.WASHINGTON.EDU
  admin_server =
  kdc =
  kdc =
  kdc =
  kdc =
  kdc =
  default_domain = NETID.WASHINGTON.EDU


Step 3: Run the kinit command

In order to run your preferred EDW querying program as your UW NetID, you will need to run the kinit command. Open a terminal window, and run the following (adjusting yournetid to be your UW NetID):
kinit yournetid@NETID.WASHINGTON.EDU
Enter your UW NetID password when prompted.

Step 4: Open your Querying Program

Once you have completed creating your krb5.conf file and you have run the kinit command, you will now be able to use Kerberos authentication for the querying program of your choice. See the Excel (MacOS) section for an example of this.

Connection Guides

Note: The screenshots below are taken from SSMS 2012; the instructions can be applied to later versions of SSMS as well.

First, ensure you're running SSMS with your UW NetID credentials. Then:

  1. When opening SSMS, you will be prompted for a server name. Enter Some users may also need a port number. See the Servers and Databases section for that information. Select the Options button. Note: When connecting from an off-campus computer, you may not see your NETID displayed in the User name section. If you know that you're running SSMS with your UW NetID credentials, please continue onto the next steps.
    SSMS SQL Server 2012 "Connect to Server" main dialog box
  2. Select Encrypt Connection to secure the data as it moves between the server and your computer. Select Connect. SSMS SQL Server 2012 "Connect to Server" dialog box with the properties tab open
  3. That server now appears in the Object Explorer pane. If the Object Explorer pane is not visible on your screen, click View > Object Explorer from the menu.
  4. Navigate to the database you're interested in and open the Views folder. Here you will find the secured views available for querying.
    SSMS Link Tables dialog box showing a long list of tables. The OK button is circled in red

How do I connect to the EDW using Excel for Windows?

First, ensure you're running Excel with your UW NetID credentials. Then:
  1. Open a new blank workbook in Excel
  2. Under the Data tab, select From Other Sources, then From SQL Server
  3. In the Data Connection Wizard window,
    • Server name :
    • Log on credentials
      • Use Windows Authentication if you followed the above instructions to run Excel with your UW NetID credentials
    • You may need to select the Use the following User Name and Password option when you connect and enter your own NetID and password as shown below:
      • yourpassword

How do I connect to the EDW using Excel on Mac OS?

First, ensure you're running Excel with your UW NetID credentials Then:
  1. Open Excel and click the "Data" tab at the top.
  2. Choose "New Database Query" and select "SQL Server ODBC"
  3. A connection wizard window will open. In the Authentication section you'll type:
    1. Server: type your server connection ""
    2. Database: This field is optional
    3. Method: Choose "Kerberos"
    4. Kerberos ID: Choose "Create ID"
    5. User Name: [yournetid]
    6. Password: [your netid password]
    7. Select "Connect"
  4. Now you're connected to the EDW and can query the databases.

How do I connect to the EDW using ODBC and/or MS Access?

The steps below describe how to create an ODBC connection using Microsoft Access. The examples provided are for the ODS, but will work for all EDW servers and environments.

First, ensure you're running Access with your UW NetID credentials. Then follow these steps:

  1. Prepare Microsoft Access
  2. Create a new data source
  3. Choose tables

Step 1: Prepare Microsoft Access

  1. From MS Access, open the database in which you want to work - either a new database or an existing one.
  2. On the External Data tab, choose 'ODBC Database'
  3. Select Link to the data source by creating a linked table. Creating a linked table to an ODBC DB from MS Access
  4. Select the 'Machine Data Source' tab.
  5. If the data source you want is in the list, select it and skip down to Step 3: Choose tables. Otherwise, press 'New' and continue.
    Choosing machine data source in MS Access
  6. This warning is for information only. Press 'OK' to proceed if you encounter it.
    MS Access "ODBC System DSN Warning" dialog box

Step 2: Create a new data source

  1. Select 'User Data Source (Applies to this machine only)', then select Next.
    Choosing to create a new User Data Source in MS Access
  2. You have to make a choice here. From most to least preferred, we recommend:
    1. Option 1 (best option)- Choose the most recent available version of the "ODBC Driver for SQL Server," e.g. "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server."
      Creating a new data source in MS Access using the ODBC Driver for SQL Server
    2. Option 2- Choose the most recent available version of the "SQL Server Native Client," e.g. "SQL Server Native Client 11.0."
      Creating a new data source in MS Access using the SQL Server Native Client driver
    3. Option 3- Choose "SQL Server."
      Creating a new data source in MS Access using the SQL Server generic driver
  3. Verify your selections and select Finish if satisfied.
    Create New Data Source dialog box with the Finish button circled in red.
  4. Choose a name and description that describes the data source you want to connect to. This example connects to the database called ODS (modify accordingly for the database of your choice). Select Next.
    Setting the name and description for a new data source in MS Access
  5. Choose 'With Integrated Windows authentication', then select Next
    Choosing integrated Windows authentication for a new data source in MS Access
  6. Change the default database to ODS for this example, then select Next.
    Setting the default DB on a new data source in MS Access
  7. Choose options as noted below, then select Finish.
    Setting final options for a new data source in MS Access
  8. To make sure the connection is working, click 'Test Data Source'.
    Testing a new MS Access data source
  9. This is what you should see.
    Results of a successful test of a new MS Access data source
  10. Select OK until you see the Link Table dialog box, then skip to Step 3: Choose tables. If you're using MS Access 2016, continue.
  11. Select the ODBC Database icon again
    Linking to ODBC database from MS Access
  12. Select Link to the data source by creating a linked table, then selectOK
    Linking to ODBC data from MS Access
  13. Select the Machine Data Source tab, then EDW Published ODS, then OK
    "Select Data Source" dialog box with "Machine Data Source" tab, Data Source with name "EDW Published ODS", and OK button all circled in red

Step 3: Choose tables

The list of secured views available from the selected data source are listed on the Link Tables dialog box. Select the view you need and then select OK.
  1. SSMS Link Tables dialog box showing a long list of tables. The OK button is circled in red
  2. MS Access prompts for unique key identification.
    "Select Unique Record Identifier" dialog box showing a list of fields in table sec_BudgetIndex1. The fields named BienniumYear, BudgetNbr, and EffectiveDate are highlighted, and the OK button is circled in red
The tables you linked to will now be available in the Tables list in MS Access. You are ready to build queries in MS Access.

How do I connect to the EDW using Visual Studio?

Note: These instructions are for BIDS 2008

First, ensure you're running Visual Studio with your UW NetID credentials. Then:

  1. Open an existing project, or start a new project by clicking on File > New > Project
  2. Select the kind of project you want - this example selects a Report Server Project - and click OK
    "New Project" dialog box showing the "Report Server Project" Visual Studio installed template highlighted
  3. In the Solution Explorer pane, right click on Shared Data Source and select Add New Data Source. If the Solution Explorer pane is not visible, click View > Solution Explorer from the menu.
    Solution Explorer dialog box showing the Add New Data Source option selected
  4. In the Shared Data Source Properties window, enter the name of the database to which you are connecting, then click the Edit button.
    Shared Data Source Properties dialog box with a red circle around the Edit button next to the Connection string box
  5. In the Connection Properties dialog box:
    • Enter the server name.
    • Under Select or enter a database name, use the drop down box to select your database.
    • Click the Test Connection button to make sure the connection is working, then click OK twice to return to the Share Data Source Properties window.
    • Finally, click the Advanced button to turn Encryption on, then click OK to return to the Connection Properties window.
    Connection Properties dialog box with the values in the Server name and Database name boxes circled in red, along with the Test Connection button Advanced Properties dialog box with the Security: Encrypt option set to Yes
  6. Note the Share Data Source Properties window now shows the Connection string information populated. Click OK to finish creating the data source.
    Share Data Source Properties dialog box with the value in the Connection string text box cirlced in red
  7. The new data source now appears in the Solution Explorer. You can begin writing queries and reports against this data source.
    Screenshot of Solution Explorer window with the Shared Data Sources branch under Report Project1 selected

See: How do I connect to the EDW using Tableau?

See: How do I connect to a Data Cube?

Query Assistance

How should I structure my query to work with secured (.sec) views?

EDW data is structured in "secured views" which secure the data per the rules applied by the UW Data Domain Councils. Once you have created a connection to the data using your UW NetID credentials, you will need to know where the data is housed and the specific query syntax needed to access the data. In the following screenshot, notice that there are several databases listed on the EDW server. The databases in the red box are available for querying; the rest are for system management. The Servers and Databases section provides a complete list of available databases.
List of databases in SSMS
The data in these databases are secured via views in the Data Access Control (DAC) database. When you query the EDW, you must query the DAC views rather than tables.
Screenshot of views expanded under SSMS list of databases
The secured views are denoted by the "sec" schema prefix. The naming convention is sec.TableName, where sec. represents the schema name and TableName represents the original table name.

Sample SQL Query

In the image above, sec.addresses is the view name, and is used in a SQL query as follows:
SELECT * FROM sec.addresses WHERE …
Are you trying to find context around the data that you are seeing in the EDW and would like to know more about their meanings? If so, we highly recommend checking out the Knowledge Navigator: Knowledge Navigator V2 ( Knowledge Navigator allows you to explore key concepts and definitions from subject areas such as Student, Finance, HR, and Research. KN also visually demonstrates how concepts are related to physical data objects (databases, web services) and business intelligence tools (B.I. Portal, UW Profiles, Data Cubes).


What are some basic troubleshooting steps?

If you are having trouble connecting to EDW data, follow the steps below.
  1. Verify that you have been granted access to EDW data here: Do I have access to the EDW?
  2. Be sure to connect using the fully qualified address of the server to which you are connecting. See a list of EDW servers and databases.

    Example: The main data server address is If you cannot connect to that address, use the server's port number with the name:,1433

    Note: port numbers are not the preferred method of connection. If the port changes, users' connections break. (Technical details: port numbers have been needed by some users to connect to named instances residing on clustered servers.)

  3. If you are connecting remotely (off-campus), check to make sure you are connected to the VPN using Husky OnNet.
  4. If you used a RunAs command to open your query tool and connect to the EDW, modify the command to remove /netonly from the string. You may need to cycle through the steps above again.
  5. Check that your computer is trusted by the UW Services CA Root Certificate. (The user's error message may refer to an SSL Security error). See more about the CA Root Certificate.