Tableau Product Licensing

UW-IT's Tableau Licensing service enables faculty, staff, and students to purchase Tableau Creator licenses to build and publish amazing data visualizations. There are many different options available depending on your characteristics. Please choose your role below to see the best option for your scenario. To request a UW Tableau License, visit our Service Catalog entry: Tableau Software Licensing


Choose your role to see the options and costs:


Everyone (No Cost*)

*UW data restrictions apply


Faculty (teaching with Tableau):

Faculty (not teaching with Tableau):

Researcher (commercial research):

Researcher (non-commercial research):

Student (Non-full time*):

*UW data restrictions apply

Student (Full time*):

*UW data restrictions apply

UW Data Restrictions:

Tableau workbooks saved on the Tableau Public Server are open to the world. UW institutional data may not be published to Tableau Public Server.