UW Event Calendar (Trumba)

About UW Event Calendar

UW Event Calendar (Trumba) is a calendaring system for all campus public events and departmental calendars (including academic, schools, colleges, and other groups). Calendar administrators can embed calendars into any websites and add event registration. An event created in one calendar can appear in multiple calendars. There is no service fee for eligible users.

To get started, watch a video introduction to the UW Event Calendar built in Trumba.

Editor Login

For any calendar editor, your Trumba account is your-uwnetid@uw.edu. Don't change your email address in Trumba. If you have trouble logging in, please try logging in using an incognito window or do the following:

  1. Clear all the cookies and cache from your browser.
  2. Exit and reopen your browser.
  3. Log into Trumba at: trumba.uw.edu/
  4. If this doesn't work, click this link to force a full sign out. Then, try signing in again.

Trumba helps you to

Can't find the feature you need? Please contact help@uw.edu

Usage information

Service metrics: see the adoption data

Data Retention Policy

See data retention policy


Online Help Center

Help Desk

Note: We respond to most phone calls via email.


UW-IT offers occasional Q&A sessions to Trumba administrators and editors. These sessions are advertised through email messages to current editors.