Other Resources and IT help

By design, the Managed Workstation service rate includes a very minimal amount of user support. Almost all user support is charged at our consulting rate, this keeps our monthly rate low and makes sure you only pay for the support that you need. We detail the boundaries for that here. There are many other IT services available, and we can help you with them. If we provide more than basic assistance leveraging published documentation using less than a few minutes of time, then we do charge our consulting rate. In many cases, those other IT services have their own support which does not cost anything. We will make it clear when you have a non-billable option and give you a choice. If you do want to take the free option, we'll happily route your request to the right service team. One benefit of paying us is that sometimes we can help you resolve your issue more quickly, but it is important to us that you know that you have a choice. Below, you'll find documentation we've written about other IT services that we don't provide. In some cases, there is no service that provides these. In other cases, customers have asked us to write documentation that the service team doesn't provide.

Email and calendaring

The UW offers different options for email and calendaring, UW Exchange Online and UW Gmail. Additional information on these offerings can be found on the UW Email and Calendaring page

UW Software (UWARE)

The UW offers software to install on your workstation. The UWare page has a comprehensive list of what software offerings are available to download and install.

LastPass Password Manager

LastPass Enterprise is a UW CISO approved browser-based password management tool. All Managed Workstation customers are now eligible to use LastPass Enterprise. More information about LastPass can be found on the LastPass Password Manager page

Comparison of UW file service options for Managed Workstation clients

The UW offers different options for storing and sharing files on different platforms. You can review the options on the UW file service options page to determine which of the choices fits your needs.

Connecting to UW Networks

There are different networks and ways to connect and use the UW Campus Networks. The Connecting to UW Networks page details how to do this.

Printer support

Managed Workstation offers limited printer support. Our printer support page describes our printer support and other support options to assist you with printer issues that are outside our support.

Google Drive and One Drive for Business access management guidance

Information on One Drive for Business and how to use UW Groups with One Drive for Business can be found in the associated links. Information on Google Drive and how to use UW Groups with Google Drive can be found in the associated links.