MWS Eligibility Groups

Groups in the UW Groups service are used to define eligibility for Managed Workstation services and control access to Managed Workstation File service directories. The UW Groups service has excellent documentation and we recommend you read it. However, for the intersection of Managed Workstation and the Groups service, we have some recommendations which we've captured here.

How do I set up a UW Home Group for my department?

You may already have one! Check this list of UW Home Groups  (where any uw_unitname group is called a "stem") to see if there's an existing stem that closely matches where your department "lives" in the UW community. Click any + signs to show the multiple groups which begin with the same stem.  Did you find something that makes sense?

How do I set up the eligibility group for my department?

For those who didn't create an eligibility groups when we asked for one, we created a temporary eligibility group for you based on historical data. When you are ready to manage your membership, we will transfer ownership of that group to you. Most common cases:
  1. I have a UW group that contains all my users.
  2. I have multiple UW groups; together they contain my users.
  3. I don't have any groups.

I have a UW group that contains all my users.

You can set this group as your MWS customer account's eligibility group using the myIT tool. More information is available here: MyIT - managing your use of Managed Workstation services

I have multiple UW groups; together they contain all my users.

  1. Create your eligibility group:
    1. In the UW Groups list, find your stem uw_yourunitname and click on it to open the General Information window.
    2. Use the Groups Service documentation for Creating a Group. We suggest you use this information:
      1. Group id: backspace over what is in there and replace it with:  uw_yourunitname_nebula-eligibleusers
      2. Contact person: (your UW NetID)
      3. Membership dependency group: uw_employee When a person separates from the University, they are removed from your group as well. Note: your group cannot have shared accounts in it, if it needs to, ask us for help. 
      4. Members:  enter the names of your multiple UW Groups.
      5. Administrators: (a UW group that contains the UW NetIDs of the people who can manage this group; if you don't have one yet, add your netid for now and then fix this as soon as possible by creating a group of administrators for your groups)
  2. You can then set this group as your MWS customer account's eligibility group using the myIT tool. More information is available here: MyIT - managing your use of Managed Workstation services

I don't have any groups.

If your department doesn't have a home group, you'll need to follow the instructions in the section above to add a home group.Then you can setup an eligibility group following the instructions above.