File Service Comparison

The following chart compares the file service capabilities provided by various UW services. The file services and capabilities listed have been chosen reflecting those for which Managed WorkStation (MWS) customers have expressed interest or needs. Note: OneDrive for Business and Google Drive are not traditional file services. These modern capabilities provide for creation and sharing of files, with a variety of modern collaboration features, but do not necessarily align with traditional expectations.

UW file service option comparison

Capabilities OneDrive for Business Google Drive U Drive MWS Home Dir MWS File Service MWS Windows File Service
FERPA  oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
HIPAA BAAoneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Other UW Confidentialoneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Other UW Restrictedoneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Cost  None None 30GB "free"  (STF/TRF), $.25/GB/month beyond $.25/GB/month beyond $.25/GB/month beyond $.25/GB/month
Eligibility Faculty, Staff, Students, Shared UW NetIDs Faculty, Staff, Students Faculty, Staff, Students MWS customers MWS customers MWS customers
Activation required None via Manage My UW NetID page via Manage My UW NetID page  none today, in FY16 via Manage My UW NetID page via request via request
Resiliency GR redundant GR redundant Single UW Data Center outage Single UW Data Center outage Single UW Data Center outage Single component outage
Off-campus availability oneuwit oneuwit via SFTP or VPN via VPN via VPN via VPN
Offline sync oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Backed up Limited (Trash, versioning if enabled, and non-contractual backup available via support request) Limited (Trash and limited versioning) oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Self-service restore Recycle bin recovery or support request Trash and in limited cases Versions oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Repair Point Objective post virus/deletion/ ransomware oneuwit Immediate, assuming versioning on oneuwit Limited, possibly never oneuwit Immediate via snapshots oneuwit Immediate via snapshots oneuwit Immediate via snapshots oneuwit Immediate via shadow copy
Versioning oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Email notification oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Self-service access control oneuwit oneuwit N/A N/A oneuwit oneuwit
Groups Service integration oneuwit oneuwit N/A N/A oneuwit oneuwit
External Identity Sharing oneuwit oneuwit N/A N/A oneuwit oneuwit
Auto-mapping available at logon oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Synchronous editing oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Recommended for Access DBs oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Client platform support Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, web browser Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, web browser Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux Windows, Mac, Linux
Encryption in-transit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit greenX
Encryption at-rest oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit greenX
UI usability oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
Available in 5 years? (speculative) oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit
MWS Recommended oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit oneuwit

 Symbols reference

oneuwit Great or recommended
oneuwit OK or Yes
oneuwit Some issues
oneuwit Not recommended, discouraged, or No
oneuwit Unclear; may depend on the scenario
oneuwit All classifications depend on entire solution not just storage
greenX Not by default