Ending MWS Services

If you're looking to leave the Managed Workstation Service, there are a number of steps that will need to be taken to ensure that your computers continue to operate as expected in your new environment. The documentation below covers some of those steps. We will work with you to ensure that the transition out of the service goes as smoothly as possible. Send an e-mail to help@uw.edu and indicate in the message that you'd like to leave the service. A member of our leadership team will reach out to you to setup a meeting time.
After the termination of your MWS services your department will be responsible for all hardware and software support issues. You can contact the UW-IT Service Center at help@uw.edu for support issues that are covered by the Technology Recharge fee. The Technology Recharge fee also covers the basic Microsoft Office software suite license and the right to upgrade to a current version of the Microsoft Windows operating system software.
If you wish choose to continue to use Exchange, you should set up your own organizational exchange support group and become familiar with the UW Exchange service.
There are 2 different options for updating workstation settings when leaving the MWS service: Reimaging We recommend all workstations within your department be rebuilt from scratch. This process will permanently remove all Managed Workstation components. Manual component removal If you choose not rebuild the workstations complete the following steps to remove the MWS-related dependencies:
  • Your department should remove the MWS sponsored configuration management software by running "Ccmsetup.exe /uninstall" from \\md5.netid.washington.edu\bin\i386.
  • Remove all Sophos software provided by the managed workstation service.

Workstation Management

Workstations removed from the NetID domain will no longer be managed by the MWS maintained Group Policy. Your department will need to maintain a mechanism and schedule to maintain the patching for the relevant operating system and any programs. Your department will need to manage all the permissions of the local computer system by adding and removing users to the local administrative group. Additionally, you will need to create a local account with administrative privileges. After your systems are removed from the domain, the local administrative account's password will no longer be maintained.

Virus Protection

Per campus policy, your department will need to install and maintain an anti-virus program. Your department is eligible to use Sophos through the UW's Microsoft Campus Agreement, and the program is licensed for campus use. Make sure all previous versions of MWS-provided Sophos have been uninstalled and then install the UWARE version as the two versions are not the same. You should also be aware of and follow the other security standards as outlined by the relevant Administrative Policy Statements.
The following are the final steps your department is required to complete before leaving the MWS Service:
  • All users must move their H:\ content to a new location of your choice.
  • All content on the I: \drive must be moved to a new location unless you plan to continue using the MWS File Share Services.
  • All workstations need to be removed from the NetID domain.
  • All users need to be removed from your eligibility group.