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On May 1, 2024, UW implemented a 30-day retention policy for Microsoft Teams chat messages. This policy automatically deletes all chat messages after 30 days. There are no exceptions to this policy. Chat messages that are subject to this policy and are automatically deleted after 30 days include:
Chat message components that are not subject to this policy and are not automatically deleted include:
Chat messages should only be used for transitory messages and not official UW business. Transitory records are records that are created or received to pass along information of very temporary value and that are not otherwise subject to a longer retention schedule. For more guidance on transitory records, refer to Records Management Services and for UW Medicine, refer to Records and Information Governance (RIG).
If a chat message contains substantive records, such as serving as the sole record of certain approval actions, including a hiring action, financial transaction, or a change to a procedure, it must be saved elsewhere and kept according to the respective retention standards. For more guidance on chat messages that need to be saved and how to save them elsewhere, refer to Records Management Services and for UW Medicine, refer to Records and Information Governance (RIG).
UW users currently send over five million chat messages per month. Currently, chat messages are only deleted when the sender intentionally deletes a chat message or once all chat participants have had their services removed according to UW Office 365 Account & Data Deletion timelines. Most chat messages are intended to be short-lived, but there is no practical way for users to delete chat messages in bulk.
Student, Employee, Patient, and Research Subject Privacy: A 30-day retention policy helps safeguard student, employee, patient, and research subject privacy by limiting how long chat messages that may contain sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (PII) exist. Automatic deletion of chat messages reduces the risk of unauthorized access or misuse of personal information. Although highly secure, chat messaging is not designed to address long-term access or data management issues needed for sensitive information or records retention. Efficient Resource Management: The UW has over 160,000 accounts in its Teams environment. This includes students, faculty, staff, contractors, and other affiliates. With over five million chat messages generated monthly, managing storage resources efficiently becomes crucial. A 30-day retention policy helps optimize storage capacity, reduces associated storage costs, and helps avoid users running out of mailbox space to store eDiscovery copies of chat messages. User Performance: Limiting chat message retention to 30 days reduces Teams client performance issues caused by long chat message histories that need to be retrieved by clients and cached locally. Records Management: By setting a 30-day retention policy for chat messages, it makes it clear to users that chat messaging is only designed to be used for Brainstorming and Collaborating, Extracted Data, Informal Notifications and Communications, Logs, Organizing/Monitoring Work in Progress, Published Reference Materials, Requests for Information, and other transitory information that may be disposed of without a specific retention period according to UW Records Management Services guidance on transitory materials. Streamlined Search and Discovery: Limiting chat message retention to 30 days makes it easier to locate and access relevant information when needed. It reduces the volume of data that needs to be searched, facilitating faster and more targeted discovery during legal or internal investigations.
If you need further assistance, please contact UW-IT at help@uw.edu or 206-221-5000.