Audio Conferencing (Meeting Dial-in)

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Microsoft Teams, part of UW Office 365, supports "audio conferencing" (aka "meeting dial-in") for Teams meetings hosted by faculty and staff who are paid directly by the UW, or by users who otherwise have the UW Microsoft Advanced service level for their UW Office 365 account. With audio conferencing, meeting attendees can use a phone to dial-in to a meeting using an automatically provided phone number. Only meetings scheduled by users with the UW Microsoft Advanced service level for their UW Office 365 account will have audio conferencing available. Meeting attendees who dial-in to a meeting with audio conferencing available don't need any specific service level assigned to them to dial-in. Click here to check the UW Microsoft service level assigned to your UW Office 365 account

How to Reset Audio Conferencing PIN

As the meeting organizer, you'll need to enter your audio conferencing PIN to start your meeting when you're the first person to join and join by phone. Click here to reset your audio conferencing PIN


If you have any questions about audio conferencing with Microsoft Teams, please contact or 206-221-5000.