Secure FTP
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is widely-used to transfer files between systems and servers. The UW Shared Web Hosting systems utilize this technology to allow users and administrators send files to and from their websites. To place files on your website, you must have an active "Homer Account" or "Vergil Account" service. See the
Activate Shared Web Hosting page for information on how to do that. Note that a Homer account includes an "ovid" account. Use "ovid" or "vergil" as directed below.
When you activate your web publishing services, a shortcut called
public_html is created in your home directory to make it easier to put files in your Web directory. Look for public_html when moving files to your Web directory. If you see a student_html shortcut as well, be sure to learn about
the difference between the two links.
Generic Connection Settings
There are a wide array of SFTP clients available for use. These are generic settings that most clients will ask for when creating a connection.
Hostname/Server: (students and RSOs); (employees and shared NetIDs)
Port: 22
Protocol: SFTP/SSH
Username: NetID
Password: NetID Password
Directory: Leave blank; if required, try public_html
Obtaining Secure FTP (SFTP) Programs
Free SFTP programs are available from a number of sites on the Web. When downloading such programs, be VERY CAREFUL to read the complete text and especially the text for any checkboxes before clicking the download button. Otherwise you may unintentionally give the site permission to download and install other programs or adware; many such programs are malicious and very hard to remove.