U Drive is a central file storage for users that provides students, faculty and staff with a place to store files that can be accessed from anywhere, on- and off-campus. U Drive files are available via the network in real time, from any computer on campus, both personal and institutionally owned. Windows, Mac and Linux computers are supported. Off campus, users can access their files by using the Husky OnNet service. No additional software is needed to sync files, and desktop software (such as SPSS or Adobe products) can open and save files directly from the U Drive from campus.
Working to make the U Drive better for you
The URL for mounting the U Drive has changed:
Old: smb://udrive.uw.edu/udrive
New: smb://udrive.uw.edu/<UWNETID>
<UWNETID> is replaced with the individual's UW NetID. If you have the UWNetID "woof" the URL to use is: smb://udrive.uw.edu/woof
What this means and what you need to do:
Please use the new URL to mount your U Drive. Your files have migrated to the new infrastructure.
Why is this happening: The infrastructure that supports the U Drive has been modernized this summer and as part of that work, the new URL is required. The upgrade to infrastructure to the U Drive supports enhanced security, improved performance and improved supportability.
If you have any questions, please fill out this form, and select the "I need information…" option in the How Can We Help?" section, and use "U Drive support" as the "Summary" section.
Sincerely, Your U Drive team
U Drive is automatically activated for all students, faculty and staff. If you wish to manage your account manually, you may do so at the UW NetID Service Management page. Follow these steps from your browser to activate or deactivate this service:
Faculty and staff can also purchase additional storage from the UW NetID Service Management page with Workday worktags, please contact your Financial department if you need more information. Rates are available in the UW-IT Service Catalog.
How you access U Drive depends on if you are on the UW network or not.
Connecting via SMB requires that you be either connected to the UW network or using Husky OnNet to virtually access the UW network. If your U Drive service is active, you are ready to access your storage on U Drive. The most common way to access the U Drive is by opening it on your computer like any other disk:
Connect to smb://udrive.uw.edu/<UWNETID> Replace <UWNETID> with your personal UWNetID
Please contact us via an email to help@uw.edu for any files you need restored from backups.
The Central File Storage with the UW, U Drive, are only accessible to you -- it is not a shareable drive. Some alternatives that are available for file sharing are the Standard Windows File Service, UW Google Drive, Dropbox, or UW OneDrive for Business.
Transitioning from Student status to Faculty/Staff: In the case that default student quota is ever greater than the default staff quotas, limits will be lowered in the transition if these conditions apply:
Transitioning to an Active Student affiliation: Students' quotas are set to 50GB as long as the total student usage of the service does not exceed the 15TB limit. To manage this quota after transitioning, go to the Manage Your UW NetID Resources Web page. Transitioning from Faculty/Staff to Student status: In the case of the Faculty/Staff having greater than 50GB for their quota, limits will be lowered to 50GB and changes may occur depending on how much of the quota is being used. When a Faculty/Staff changes their affiliation or adds an affiliation for Student status, they will be able to manage their storage quota for their U Drive services on the Manage Your UW NetID Resources Web page.
The Central File Storage Service is provided to support UW activities and is subject to state laws and UW policy.
Data is a public record when it is created or stored in the transaction of public business. As such, it must be retained as evidence in accordance with UW records retention practices:
U Drive share can be mounted as a traditional Windows network drive by users, via a logon script, or via GPO. For users logged onto computer with their UW NetID credentials their credentials are passed through automatically. Units can enable UW NetID logins via either:
Below is the syntax for a simple .BAT script that is executed on user logon:
NET USE U: \\udrive.uw.edu\udrive /PERSISTENT:YES
If a user is not logged on with their NETID credentials, then they need to specify their NETID username:
NET USE U: \\udrive.uw.edu\udrive /USER:NETID\%username% /PERSISTENT:YES
While any letter maybe used, departments are encouraged to use "U:" if feasible to provide a standard mount point across campus.
This information is for units who have a UW-IT Computer Support Org set up. The AD attributes for "homeDrive" and "homeDirectory" can be set via the support group tool under the NETID Domain Settings section. This will cause Windows to automatically map the U Drive upon login. Programs that use the user variables %HOMEDRIVE% and %HOMESHARE% will be able to make use of the U Drive automatically.
SSO support for Mac and Linux users is provided via the Kerberos tickets. Users can obtain a Kerberos ticket by authenticating via the NETID.WASHINGTON.EDU realm, or by requesting a ticket via the kinit command:
Subsequent mounts of smb://udrive.uw.edu/udrive should complete without a username/password prompt. Additionally Macs and Linux machines joined to a UW NetID delegated OU support SSO for users logged on via NetID credentials.