As an instructor, you have two quick ways to view information about registered users in your Canvas course. One view gives you photos of all the students in your course (and helps you quickly learn their names). The other view gives details about individual students.
- From within your Canvas course, in the course navigation, click People.
- To view student photos, on the right side of the screen, above the + Group Set button, click the gear icon and then click View Student Photos.
- From within your Canvas course, in the course navigation, click People.
- To view a user's profile, click their name from the list. In the new page, you will see their details. This includes their avatar, recent messages, and any services (e.g., Google Docs) they have linked to their Canvas account.
- On the right side of the screen, in the sidebar, you can check a user's grades, message the user, view interactions you've had with the user, and access a report for the user.