Canvas and Panopto Access Policy Timeline

The following timelines detail when students, employees, and affiliates are permitted to access Canvas and Panopto, and when they lose the ability to sign in to Canvas and Panopto. Learn more about the Canvas access policy.

Note: No course content or student submissions are deleted under this access policy. Instructor and student content in Canvas is retained according to the data retention policy.

Student permitted to sign in to Canvas

Day 0: Student confirms enrollment

Day 1: Student can sign in to Canvas

Access Program students

Access Program students can register on the third day of the quarter. The day of registration is considered "Day 0."

Day 0: Student registers for course

Day 1: Student can sign in to Canvas

Student loses access to Canvas

Expiration of access to Canvas for students (undergraduate, graduate, and Professional & Continuing Education students) is based on enrollment status. Access expires five years after student is not enrolled for two consecutive quarters, excluding summer quarter. Graduate students officially on leave retain access.

Day 0:  Tenth day of second consecutive quarter not enrolled Email notification is sent to individual stating that computing services expire in 14 days, and access to Canvas expires in five years. No additional notification about Canvas access will be sent.

Five years later: Student no longer permitted to sign in to Canvas.

Employee permitted to sign in to Canvas

Employees can access Canvas when a future start date is present in Workday.

If an employee creates a new UW NetID as or after their appointment becomes active, they receive access to Canvas immediately. If the employee already had a UW NetID, they will receive access to Canvas the next day, after nightly reconciliation processes complete.

Employee loses access to Canvas

Day 0: Last day at UW

Day 3: Email notification is sent to individual stating that computing services and access to Canvas expire in 14 days

Day 17: No longer permitted to sign in to Canvas

Employees who also have student subscription for Canvas access

Because an individual can be enrolled in Canvas courses simultaneously as a student and a teacher or teaching assistant, a specific process has been put in place to preserve access to courses one participates in as a student, and remove access to courses in which the user had a teacher, TA, Course Designer, Guest Teacher or Librarian role, as well as Continuum College specific roles with course editing privileges. Access to these courses will be removed 90 days after the separated employee loses the subscription for Canvas access.

Day 0: Employee separates from UW

Day 3: Email notification sent to individual stating that Canvas access expires in 14 days

Day 17: 90-day grace period begins for access to courses in which the individual had a Teacher, TA, Course Designer, Guest Teacher or Librarian role; student access continues.

Day 47: Access to courses in which the individual had a Teacher, TA, Course Designer, Guest Teacher or Librarian role is removed.

Course enrollments for any individual who once again becomes an active employee before the 90-day grace period expires will not be deleted. This means graduate TAs or instructors, or other quarterly instructors who do not teach for a quarter, will retain course access. Course enrollments removed by this policy will be restored if the individual becomes an active employee again.


Retired faculty who have an active academic appointment will be able to sign in to Canvas. In addition, retired faculty who are engaged in teaching on behalf of the UW may be given access to Canvas by a current UW employee using the Provisioning Request Tool. This access lasts for one year and must be renewed annually by a current UW employee.

Users authorized through the Provisioning Request Tool

Provisioned access to the Canvas and Panopto lasts for one year, and must be renewed annually by a current UW employee. Reminder notifications are sent to the provisioner starting 90 days before access will expire, and are sent on the following schedule:

90 days before expiration: First renewal notice sent to the provisioner

30 days before expiration: Second renewal notice sent to the provisioner

7 days before expiration: Third renewal notice sent to provisioner

1 day before expiration: Expiration notice sent to provisioner

Day 0: Canvas access no longer permitted