GradePage Online Grade Submission

GradePage is the official online grade submission tool for the UW. Any instructor of record for a course section, or assigned grading delegate, can view the grade roster and submit grades while grading period is open each quarter. GradePage is integrated with UW's Canvas LMS providing an import process to reduce manual entry of grades.

Access GradePage to submit grades online

Sign in to GradePage

Canvas Users

Instructors using the Canvas learning management system can import and convert Canvas grades for submission. Note: GradePage requires two-factor authentication for online grade submission. You will need to use both your UW NetID and DUO to sign in to GradePage. Please take a moment now to verify that you can use DUO.

The Fine Print about Online Grade Submission

Not all instructors of record or grade book administrators can submit final grades. Only those instructors who have permission to grade as determined by the Registrar will be allowed to access online grade submission. For example, when primary grading has been selected for a class, the instructors of record of secondary sections will not be able to access online grade submission. Grade book administrators can view the grade submission form and assign grades, but not submit them. You can return to the online grade submission form at any point during the grading period to submit grades for other sections or view the status of grades. However, once the grading period closes, you will not be able to access the online grade submission form. The grades you submit are entered in the activity log, and are available to view or print as a receipt. Grades cannot be changed online. To change or correct a grade, convert an incomplete, X or N to a numeric grade, obtain a Change of Grade form from the following location:

Final grades will be available to students via MyUW as usual.


Using GradePage

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