GradePage: Assign and Submit Grades

As the instructor of record for a class or section, or an authorized grade submission delegate, you can access GradePage to submit grades online to Graduation and Academic Records during the quarterly grade submission period. If you have graders, TAs, or other assistants, they can only access and assign grades on GradePage if they are Instructors of Record or grade submission delegates.

To submit final grades for your class using GradePage

  1. Go to The current term is selected and the classes for which you need to submit grades appear below the current term.
  2. Click the class name.
  3. Click Import From and select Canvas or CSV File. You can also enter grades manually.
  4. Select the grade scale you want to apply (undergraduate, graduate, etc.)
  5. Apply the conversion scale to convert percentages to a 4.0 grade scale. Tip: A grade must be entered for all students before you can submit grades for each class or section.
  6. After assigning grades to all students in the class, click Review and Submit. You will move to the Review page. Tip: If the Review and submit button is unavailable or disabled, either you do not have permission to submit grades, or some students do not have a grade assigned. Check to make sure that all students in the currently displayed section or class have valid final grades. To view a list of instructors permitted to submit grades for each section, click the information icon in the upper right of the grade submission form.
  7. Once you have verified all the grades, click Submit grades to finalize grade submission. You will move to the confirmation page.Note: Once you press Submit, the grades are sent to the Registrar. Any further changes will require you to use the online Change of Grade Form.
  8. To continue assigning and submitting grades for other classes, click Return to the list of classes you can grade. You will move to the class chooser page.

About the Grade Options

The table below provides brief explanations about the grade options that are available in the online grade submission form. For more detailed information about types of grades, visit the Grading Resources page or call the Graduations and Academic Records office at 206-543-1803. You can also view these option by clicking the information icon in the upper right of the grade submission form.  

Grade Option Description
Numeric Grades You may report grades in 0.1 increments between 4.0 and 0.7 for undergraduates, and between 4.0 and 1.7 for graduate students, and the grade 0.0. The grade 0.0 is assigned for failing work or if a student does not officially withdraw.0.7 is the lowest passing grade for undergraduates; 1.7 is the lowest passing grade for graduate students (though a minimum grade of 2.7 is required in courses that count toward degree requirements). Any grade you enter that is below the lowest passing grade will be rejected as invalid.
CR (Credit) and NC (No credit) The minimum performance level required for a CR (credit) grade is determined, and the grade awarded directly, by the instructor. Credit/No credit is not computed in GPA calculations.
I (Incomplete) Students must request an incomplete from their instructor. Incomplete grades should be given only to students who have performed satisfactorily until the last two weeks of the quarter. Incompletes should never be given to students who are not making satisfactory progress.Incomplete grades will be converted to 0.0 after one quarter, unless you submit a grade change by the quarterly grade deadline. For undergraduates, you may enter an alternate (default) grade on the online Faculty Grade Report as well as the I (Incomplete) grade. The I remains on the student's transcript as well as the grade.
N (In progress) This grade indicates that the student is making satisfactory progress and that a final grade will be given at the end of the quarter in which the work is completed. An N grade carries with it no credit or grade until a regular grade is assigned.
W (Writing) Undergraduate students must complete a writing credit requirement of seven credits, beyond the five-credit English composition course required of all students. The seven credits must be in "writing-intensive" courses; that is, either additional English composition courses, or W courses. In these courses, all students passing the class will automatically receive a W credit. Individual students can arrange with the instructor to receive a writing credit (W-course credit) for a non-writing course. For more information about Writing credits, see the Additional Writing section of the General Education requirements page. For information about Ws (Writing credits) by special arrangement, see the Undergraduate Advising page on writing requirements.
X (No grade now) X codes remain on a student's record until a grade is submitted. X codes do not affect a student's GPA, but do affect student status and eligibility for some types of financial aid. As a result, instructors should make every effort to submit grades in a timely manner.