Poll Everywhere

About Poll Everywhere 

Go to the UW-IT Service Catalog page for Poll Everywhere

Classroom response systems (CRS) are used within a class to collect student questions and answers to polls and quizzes. The instructor can use this information to determine student understanding, lead discussions, and so on. 

Poll Everywhere is the supported classroom response system of the UW and is FERPA-compliant. No service fee for eligible users.  Poll Everywhere is not intended for use outside of instructional settings, and all users must have a UW NetID to use this service, including students who need to respond to polls.  Students cannot self-register and must be added to Poll Everywhere by instructors and TAs by importing their Canvas course roster.

Presenters (teachers): Sign in to Poll Everywhere with your UW email address

Documentation Links

Poll Everywhere helps you to:

UW-IT Support Documentation:

Learn more about Poll Everywhere from their Help Center: