This is the archive of UW Poll Everywhere updates. View current updates.
September 15, 2022
LTI Release DELAYED: Due to functionality issues that will not be resolved before the start of Autumn Quarter, UW-IT will be postponing the deployment of the Poll Everywhere LTI until after the term. Please continue to use the current Canvas course list import process to create or update course groups in Poll Everywhere for the Summer A Term.We will continue to work with the vendor to address these issues and revise instructional documentation. We will post updates here and to Canvas as necessary. Shared NetIDs in Poll Everywhere: As of August 19, 2022, Shared UW NetIDs are no longer allowed in, and will no longer be provisioned to, the UW Poll Everywhere account. Poll Everywhere Presenters will no longer be able to use a Shared UW NetID to present polls and activities in the UW Poll Everywhere account. Instructional teams and student government organizations (ASUW, GPSS) can use the Poll Everywhere Teams feature for collaboration, and to share and present activities. Participant/Student Registration REQUIRED: A reminder that as of March 18, 2022 the UW Poll Everywhere account is restricted to allow responses only from registered participants who are logged in to the account. Read below for more information Please email with any questions or concerns.
June 8, 2022
LTI Release DELAYED: Due to functionality issues that will not be resolved before the original release date of June 15, UW-IT will be postponing the deployment of the Poll Everywhere LTI until Thursday, July 21, 2022, the start date of the Summer B Term. Please continue to use the current Canvas course list import process to create or update course groups in Poll Everywhere for the Summer A Term.We will continue to work with the vendor to address these issues and revise instructional documentation. We will post updates here and to Canvas as necessary. Please email with any questions or concerns.
May 10, 2022
On Friday, June 10, 2022, at 5pm PST, UW-IT will disable the current participant registration process via Canvas for the UW Poll Everywhere account. This change makes way for the new Canvas integration (known as an LTI or Learning Tools Interoperability) into Poll Everywhere, which will be enabled by Wednesday , June 13, 2022. The current integration is being deprecated and will be unavailable after June 10. Learn more.
What this means for faculty and instructional teams
- Presenters (i.e., faculty, TAs and staff) must use the new LTI to register students as Poll Everywhere participants via Canvas and properly organize them into course groups in Poll Everywhere.
- Presenters must pre-register participants to the Poll Everywhere account using the LTI method in order for students to participate in activities. Presenters must also use the LTI to update course rosters in Poll Everywhere.
- Presenters can continue to export graded poll scores to Canvas using the current export process, as well as from the Participants page in Poll Everywhere, or by using the new LTI process (documentation has yet to be released).
- UW-IT encourages presenters to perform the Canvas course list import process one final time on or before June 10, 2022 to ensure their Poll Everywhere rosters are up-to-date.
What this means for students
- This change will not affect students. Students must continue to log in to Poll Everywhere with their UW email address (not a personal email address) to respond to any Poll Everywhere activity .
- Students having issues logging in to Poll Everywhere for a class that is using it must contact their instructor(s) and request that they be registered to the UW account via the new LTI registration process.
Why is this change happening?
- The LTI Advantage integration is the newest standard defined by the IMS Global Learning Consortium for communicating student data between systems.
- Poll Everywhere can no longer support the legacy LMS integration.
February 17, 2022
On Friday, March 18, 2022, at 5pm PST, UW-IT will restrict the UW Poll Everywhere account to allow responses only from registered participants who are logged in to the account.
What this means for faculty and instructional teams
- Presenters (aka faculty, TAs and staff) will no longer be able to set poll and activities to allow participants to respond without logging in to Poll Everywhere (The "Everyone" option in response settings).
- Presenters must pre-register participants (i.e., students) to the Poll Everywhere account using the Canvas course roster import process in order for them to participate in activities.
- Anonymous responses will continue to be anonymous even when users are logged in to Poll Everywhere.
What this means for students
What does this mean if I use Poll Everywhere for internal events not tied to student instruction, such as faculty development or training?
- Faculty and staff who log in to do not need to register separately to respond to polls.
- Please contact if you have a use case that is not covered through Canvas registration or faculty and staff registration.
What does this mean if I use Poll Everywhere for external events?
- You will no longer be able to use Poll Everywhere for events that involve unregistered users.
What tool(s) can I use for audience response or engagement activities outside of a UW classroom or internal training session?
- Use a non-UW email address to set up a free Poll Everywhere account.
- Explore other audience response system vendors.
Why is this change happening?
- Poll Everywhere was procured for the sole purpose of instruction and classroom engagement.
- Its usage outside of instructional settings is no longer sustainable or affordable.
- In order to avoid overage charges, the vendor requires us to implement these changes immediately.