Go directly to the Workshop and Office Hours Events Calendar
Learning Technologies offers free workshops to current UW faculty and staff for core UW teaching tools: Canvas, Panopto Lecture Capture, Poll Everywhere Classroom Response and Zoom Video Conferencing. You can also sign up for one of our online Office Hours sessions to get realtime guidance with these tools.
If you are interested in exploring these tools at your own pace, we encourage to click on the links to the specific services listed above, or check out our Teaching with UW Technologies resource in Canvas.
As always, if you need assistance with any of our teaching and learning tools, or if your schedule does not fit with our listed office hours or workshop times, you can email help@uw.edu, call us at (206) 221.5000 (Option 3), or drop by Odegaard Library Room 230.
UW Libraries' Open Scholarships Commons provides workshops and other events and support for a variety of academic and creative tools. Please see their Events Calendar for more information.
We also provide free workshops for all current UW students, faculty and staff to develop skills with creative tools like Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Audacity, or Digital Video Editing systems like Adobe Premiere and iMovie, as well as digital productivity software like Microsoft Excel, "R" and R Studio (when available). Office hours for some of these tools are offered.
Each video or video playlist requires a UW NetID login to watch.
Beginning Excel Videos - This collection of 8 videos (3 to 8 minutes each) covers basic operations and usage of Excel. This is meant for beginners or those needing a refresher. The total running time is approximately 48 minutes.
Photoshop Fundamentals - This collection of 10 videos (2 to 10 minutes each) goes over the essentials for getting started with Adobe Photoshop. This is meant for beginners or those needing a refresher. The total running time is approximately 50 minutes.
Audacity - This recording of an Audacity Workshop goes over the basic operations of this tool for the purposes of making podcasts. The total running time is approximately 65 minutes.
iMovie - This recording of an iMovie Workshop discusses the fundamentals of getting started with iMovie. This video is meant for those just getting started with iMovie or video editing in general. The total running time is approximately 47 minutes. Check back to this page for updates and additional on-demand videos.
Workshops and office hours are listed on the Learning Technologies Workshops calendar and the UW-IT Events Calendar. Registration for these events are done on the calendar page.
Please use your UW email address to register.
Note: currently, all Teaching Technologies Office Hours will be held over Zoom. Workshops and other events may be held in Odegaard Library or online over Zoom. Please refer to the Location column of each event to confirm the modality in which it will be held. In-person events will have the building listed in this column. Links to the Zoom meetings for any online sessions are listed in this column and will also be provided when you register.
If you're interested in one of our workshops but can't find a time that fits your schedule, we're happy to arrange a one-on-one consultation to address your needs. To schedule, contact help@uw.edu and let us know which workshop you are interested in, along with some dates and times that work for you.