You can change greetings and notifications settings for your voice mailbox. To do so, first access the voicemail system by phone or on the web, following the Accessing the Mailbox instructions. For a summary of system features and interactions, see the Quick Reference.
The voicemail system provides three choices of greetings: personal, extended absence, and name. Note: If you are assigned an existing voice mailbox, you may need to change both the personal greeting and the name greeting.
The personal greeting is an everyday greeting that your caller will hear when they reach your mailbox, such as "Hello. You've reached [First Name], [Last Name] in the [Department]. Please leave a message after the tone and I will return your call." While listening to your greeting, callers can press [#] to bypass your message. Your greeting will stop and the caller will hear a beep indicating they may begin recording their message. You can include this information in your greeting so they can skip through your recording every time they call.
To change your personal greeting from a phone:
To change your personal greeting from Web PhoneManager, see Changing Greetings from the Web.
The extended absence greeting is a temporary greeting commonly used for temporary absences, i.e. out-of-office for vacations, meetings, and other temporary circumstances. This greeting does not allow callers to bypass this greeting by pressing [#]. The extended absence greeting does not replace your personal greeting. When you check your messages, the system will ask if you wish to retain your extended absence greeting. You can choose to retain or delete it. Until you choose to delete it, you will be asked each time you check your messages if you wish to retain or delete it.
To record an extended absence greeting from a phone:
To change your extended absence greeting from Web PhoneManager, see Changing Greetings from the Web.
When you set up your mailbox, the system asks you to record your name. This is played to identify voicemails that you send to other voicemail subscribers (e.g. "This message was sent on [date], by [Recorded Name]).
To change your recorded name greeting from a phone:
To change your recorded name greeting from Web PhoneManager, see Changing Greetings from the Web at the end of this page.
You can change any of your greetings from Web PhoneManager. To change a greeting from a computer:
After changing or recording your greeting, the system will return you to the Personal Options menu.
The Notification Schedule feature allows you to instruct the system when and where to call you when there are waiting messages. You may change your schedule(s) at any time. To establish or change your notification schedule from a phone:
To establish or change your notification schedule from a computer: