Learn how to call a local number, a long-distance number, or an international number from your Microsoft Teams application, IOS and Android devices.
On This Page
Calling a campus phone number
To call a UW campus or
affiliated organization phone number using Teams Phone, simply dial either the 5-digit campus extension or 10-digit phone number, without the need for first dialing "9".
Calling a non-campus local or long-distance phone number
You can make local or long-distance phone calls to non-UW numbers using your Teams Phone application, or from your iOS or Android device's Microsoft Teams app. Dial any 10- or 11-digit telephone number using the app like you would using a traditional telephone
Support documentation from Microsoft
Specific instructions for using the Teams Phone interface are available from Microsoft Support:
Calls to some countries are blocked
Calls to some countries are blocked due to high rates of fraudulent charges incurred in long distance and toll-free services. Departments with a business need may request exceptions on a per destination number basis. Exceptions will require budgetary and departmental approval, and should be requested at least 3 business days in advance. Review UW-IT's policies on
unauthorized long distance calls.
For further assistance in calling these countries, submit a request using the
Telecom Help Form or call 206-221-5000. Please indicate when the exception can expire. UW-IT will remove expired exceptions and reinstate blocks after that time.