Voicemail on Teams Phone

Teams Phone includes voicemail service that can be used from the teams web, desktop, or mobile apps. When you miss an audio or video Teams Phone call, the caller will be prompted to leave you a voicemail message. You can personalize your voicemail greeting using the Microsoft Teams app on your computer or mobile device. After receiving a voicemail, an audio file of the voicemail and transcripts are also sent to your email address. Note: Teams voicemail is a separate platform from UW Voicemail. When switching from Avaya phone service, existing voicemail messages and greetings will be lost.

Setting up your voicemail

From the Microsoft Teams app

  1. Navigate to the Settings
  2. Click on Calls
  3. Navigate to Manage Voicemail or Manage Out-of-Office Voicemail section
  4. Set options accordingly
When you select the message, methods to contact the caller will appear alongside audio playback and the transcript will appear in the right-hand panel. If the audio was clear enough, a transcript will appear in the message screen. The message will also indicate how it was recorded along with a date and time. You can change the play speed by clicking on the down arrow next to and selecting the speed.

From the mobile app

  1. Navigate to the Settings
  2. Click on Calling
  3. Under Voicemail, select Change Voicemail Greetings
  4. Follow voice prompts select options

Checking your voicemail

From the Microsoft Teams app

  1. Navigate to the call section
  2. Click on Voicemail
  3. Voicemails will be displayed in chronological order, click on the name or number.
  4. Click the play button to play the message.
When you select the message, methods to contact the caller will appear alongside audio playback and the transcript will appear in the right-hand panel. If the audio was clear enough, a transcript will appear in the message screen. The message will also indicate how it was recorded along with a date and time. You can change the play speed by clicking on the down arrow next to and selecting the speed.

From the mobile app

  1. Go to the Calls screen
  2. Select the Voicemail icon in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select the message you want to listen to.
More about checking voicemail from Microsoft support.

Forwarding voicemail

Once a voicemail message is recorded, the transcript and audio file are sent to your email as a message. To forward the voicemail to another colleague, select Forward then enter the recipients to whom you wish to send the message.

Downloading voicemail audio

You can download an audio file of voicemail you receive to your computer or device.
  1. Select the More Options icon.
  2. Select Download to download the file.