Download a Zoom cloud recording

UW Zoom meeting hosts are able to download meeting recordings they create by following these steps. Cloud recording downloads are disabled by default. If you are not the meeting host and wish to download the meeting recording, contact the host to enable viewer downloads in the recording share settings.

Zoom meeting hosts can download recordings:

  1. Log in to your Zoom account at
  2. In the left sidebar, click Recordings.
  3. To the right of each recording you want to download, click the dropdown menu titled More and then select the Download option. If an audio file (m4a) and a captioning file (vtt) is available for your recording, they will be downloaded as separate files. Download option
  4. Log into the alternative platform of your choice and follow the instructions for uploading the MP4 file and the vtt captioning file of your recording. UW-IT supported storage options include:


    UW Google Drive

    UW OneDrive for Business