Secure Shell, or SSH, is a technology that uses an encrypted protocol to allow a user to connect to a server remotely and open up a command-line terminal to run commands, scripts, or edit files. SSH is a core technology and is utilized for many different purposes, including setting up MySQL and many Content Management Systems.
The Web Development Systems on Shared UW Hosting page provides an overview of the web publishing servers. The server you connect to depends on your affiliation.
Depending on what client and method used, information required from programs may differ slightly. These are general guidelines:
Setting | Value |
Server: | Your Web Development Server |
User: | NetID |
Password: | NetID Password |
Port: | 22 |
GNU/Linux and Apple OS X systems include SSH capabilities built-in. Microsoft Windows systems require a special program to be downloaded.
We recommend PuTTY. SecureCRT, if currently licensed, can also be used.
OS X users can open the "terminal" application and run the following command to connect to a server via SSH: ssh
GNU/Linux and Unix users can open a terminal emulator such as xterm and run the following command to connect to a server via SSH: ssh
Secure Shell, also known as SSH, is a secure replacement for FTP and Telnet that allows a user to connect to another computer and run commands on it using a terminal. This can be very useful when developing and maintaining websites on a remote server. When working with SSH, files are edited directly on the server.
Looking to transfer files instead? You're probably looking for our instructions on moving files to your web directory.